Understanding Depression: Six Key Insights for Recovery

When we find ourselves battling depression, recovery requires a deep understanding of the six fundamental truths of life:

  1. Identity Beyond Labels: We are not defined by our thoughts, desires, emotions, the labels we assign to ourselves, those given by others, or even our physical bodies. We exist within and beyond these elements that compose our being.

  2. Influence of Sensory Engagement: Our six senses—including our thoughts, what we observe, consume, express, touch, hear, and smell—profoundly shape us. We absorb the essence of our engagements, which then influence our state of being.

  3. Expression of True Self: Illness may arise when there's a disconnect between our true selves and how we live our lives. Authentic self-expression is crucial for health.

  4. Impact of External Changes: Overwhelming changes in our environment can lead to stress, and if persistent, may cause trauma. It's essential to manage these influences effectively.

  5. Creating Space for Well-being: By deliberately creating space in our daily activities and transitions, we prevent these actions from defining us. This practice fosters a greater sense of peace and well-being, allowing us to make lifestyle choices that align more closely with our true nature.

  6. Power of Small Adjustments: Often, it's the minor adjustments in our lifestyle that lead to the most significant transformations in our health and happiness.

Enhance Your Journey with Acupuncture: Consider acupuncture treatment to remove blockages that cause feelings of stagnation and obstruction. Book your session now to start your path to recovery.

Engage with Tai Chi: Practising Tai Chi offers a fun and engaging way to learn these principles, helping you to find balance and tranquility in your life.

This approach not only provides a pathway to overcoming depression but also enriches your overall well-being, making every day more aligned with who you truly are.

All Disease is Rooted in the Spirit
— Chapter 8 of the Ling Shu

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