Back Pain


Are you struggling with persistent back pain that disrupts your daily life and reduces your quality of life? Imagine a future free from discomfort, where you move effortlessly and fully enjoy each day. At our wellness centre, we employ a holistic approach to alleviating back pain, blending the timeless techniques of acupuncture with supportive practices like dietary therapy, qigong, counselling, and tai chi.

Acupuncture is a cornerstone of Traditional Chinese Medicine, long celebrated for its effectiveness in treating a range of conditions, including back pain. By inserting ultra-fine needles into precise points on the body, we activate your natural healing mechanisms, enhancing circulation, easing tension, and rebalancing your body's energy pathways.

Dietary Therapy: Your diet significantly influences your overall health and the integrity of your musculoskeletal system. Our experts will evaluate your eating habits and devise a nutrition plan that addresses your unique needs, incorporating anti-inflammatory foods and vital nutrients to support your body's healing processes and mitigate back pain.

Qigong: Engage with the soothing movements, deep breathing, and meditative practices of qigong. This ancient discipline enhances the flow of vital energy (Qi) through your body, helping to clear blockages and bolster your body’s healing capacity. Regular practice can strengthen back muscles, improve posture, and relieve pain.

Counselling: Living with chronic back pain can be mentally and emotionally draining. Our empathetic counsellors are ready to support you, helping to manage the psychological impacts of your condition, developing effective coping mechanisms, and promoting an improved state of well-being.

Tai Chi: Discover the fluid, mindful movements of tai chi, a martial art known for its health benefits, including stress reduction, enhanced flexibility, and better balance. These qualities make tai chi an excellent practice for supporting your back's recovery and preventing further issues.

Comprehensive Assessment: Your first visit includes a detailed evaluation of your back pain, health history, and lifestyle. This thorough understanding helps us craft a personalised treatment strategy specifically for you.

Customised Treatment Plan: Leveraging insights from your assessment, we'll assemble a multifaceted treatment plan that integrates acupuncture, dietary therapy, qigong, counselling, and tai chi, ensuring a targeted approach to both the symptoms and root causes of your back pain.

Gentle and Precise Acupuncture Sessions: Experience the subtle and profound effects of acupuncture. Our skilled practitioners ensure a comfortable and deeply relaxing session, enhancing your body's repair mechanisms, boosting circulation, and alleviating pain.

Ongoing Support and Care: As you progress through your treatment, our team remains dedicated to your recovery, adjusting your plan as needed and ensuring you're on the path to lasting relief and optimal health.

Take Control of Your Health

Don't let back pain control your life any longer. Embrace the comprehensive benefits of our holistic therapies and start your journey to a pain-free existence. Contact our friendly team today to schedule your appointment or to discuss your needs during a free 20-minute consultation. Reclaim your mobility and enjoy a life enriched with comfort, balance, and vitality.

Call 01273 359 050 / 07477 865 874, or Book Now using the Lewes Acupuncture and Massage Online Booking System.