What will happen to me during my Full Traditional Diagnosis?

Your initial visit to our clinic will extend up to two hours, providing ample time to thoroughly understand your primary health concerns as well as any other issues affecting your well-being.

A detailed examination of your pulse and tongue will be conducted, which are crucial for assessing your health. We might also measure your blood pressure as part of this comprehensive analysis. For practitioners of acupuncture, these evaluations are essential, offering deep insights into your overall health and guiding our treatment strategy.

The session may include a detoxification treatment using specific meridian points along your back to identify and alleviate any toxins that could hinder your recovery. Following this, acupuncture filaments are precisely placed into designated points and may be left in place for up to 20 minutes while you unwind on the treatment couch. Throughout this period, continuous pulse monitoring provides real-time feedback on how effectively the treatment is progressing.

Subsequent sessions will typically last between 45 minutes to one hour. After about six treatments, we'll have a clear indicator of how well the acupuncture is working for you. You’ll be able to feel the extent of the positive impacts, with ongoing treatments tailored based on these outcomes.

For more chronic conditions, a longer series of treatments may be necessary. It’s unlikely that ailments which have developed over years can disappear overnight; however, you can expect a gradual reduction in symptoms and an enhanced sense of well-being as your sessions continue.

Does Acupuncture Hurt?

Concerned about discomfort? Rest assured, our acupuncture filaments are so fine – akin to the thickness of a hair – that most patients hardly notice their insertion. You might feel a mild electrical sensation or a slight ache when the acupuncture points are activated, but this is generally not painful. Moreover, when applying massage techniques, we ensure the pressure is adjusted to your comfort and health needs.

Safety and Hygiene:

Our clinic prides itself on maintaining the highest standards of cleanliness and safety. All needles are sterilised, used once, and then responsibly disposed of by incineration. Acupuncture is not only a clean and safe practice but also highly effective in promoting natural healing and wellness.